A new ERJ operator in West Africa

A new ERJ operator in West Africa

The President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, and a delegation of government and local officials were on hand at Nouakchott International Airport to welcome the arrival of the newest addition to the Mauritania Airlines fleet, an ERJ 145.

The airline plans to deploy the 50-seat jet across its domestic and international network.  The 2,800 kilometer range of the ERJ 145 allows it to serve many cities in western Africa.  The carrier intends to operate the aircraft between Nouakchott and Dakar, Banjul, Casablanca, Abidjan, Bamako and Conakry.

Mauritania Airlines brings to 22 the number of corporate, government, charter and scheduled airline customers operating Embraer commercial jets on the continent.  More than 80 ERJs and E-Jets are in service with operators registered in 16 African countries.

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