E195-E2 VMU Test

E195-E2 VMU Test

The sparks were literally flying last month at our facility at Gavião Peixoto. We conducted the always dramatic Vmu test for the E195-E2, a test that helps determine critical takeoff speeds (V1, V2, Vr) and takeoff distances.

Photo By David Branco Filho

Photo By David Branco Filho

The minimum unstick speed (VMU) is the minimum speed at which the E2 can safely take off. The airplane is subjected to its aerodynamic limits prior to becoming airborne. The tail contacts the runway and the airspeed is measured at the exact moment the E2 takes off.

The VMU test is required for E195-E2 certification, which is right on schedule for next year. Check out the video from the same test for the E190-E2 to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWIFyH6M5mY .

E195-E2 VMU test-team

E195-E2 VMU test team

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