The E2 is Taking Shape

The E2 is Taking Shape

Several fuselage sections for the first E2 prototype aircraft have arrived at our facility in São José dos Campos from Botucatu and are being readied on the assembly line.

The Botucatu team is responsible for producing the parts used in the primary assembly process and for joining many of the sections that comprise the E2 fuselage. Our focus is keeping on schedule and on cost while delivering quality, explained Washington Aguiar, the production supervisor in Botucatu.

The Botucatu team proudly displays some of the first fuselage panels

With all of the first components at the São José dos Campos facility, the Forward Section Team is tasked with the structural mating of the panels and cockpit. The section is taking shape on the same assembly line that is used for first-generation E-Jets.

According to assembly supervisor José Maria de Melo, the challenge will be to prevent any impact on the E2 schedule and cost as well as avoiding delays that could affect the production of current E-Jets, which is going at full steam. Our motto is people + schedule + quality – cost = excellence, he said.

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