Embraer’s Asia Pacific sales and marketing team hosted 50 delegates at its annual Airline Business Seminar from April 23 to 25. The two-day event was held in Bangkok and attracted participants from leasing and consulting companies, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, data research firms, industry associations and, of course, airlines.
A dozen guest speakers from the aviation industry and business presented their views on the outlook for air travel in the Asia Pacific region. Among them was Dr. Alan Khee-Jin Tan of the National University of Singapore who spoke about the need for open skies among ASEAN members and how those countries are positioned when competing with China.
Mr. Moshin Aziz of Maybank highlighted the issues associated with infrastructure as Asian airport and air traffic control struggles to accommodate continued strong growth in the airline sector.
Mr. Trey Urbahn, the Chief Commercial Officer for Brazil’s Azul Linhas Aéreas challenged traditional thinking by presenting his company’s successful business model that focuses on serving secondary markets with low fares, high frequency and smaller-capacity jets.

Mr. Craig Astridge, IATA

Sr. Trey Urbahn, Diretor Comercial da Azul Linhas Aéreas