First E195-E2 Delivered!

First E195-E2 Delivered!

We handed over our first production E195-E2 to leasing giant AerCap and launch operator Azul Airlines of Brazil at a ceremony in São José dos Campos this morning. Members of the local and international press attended the event.
Mr. Aengus Kelly, CEO and Executive Director of AerCap Holdings NV, the world largest aircraft leasing company, and Mr. John Rodgerson, CEO of Azul Linhas Aéreas, received the keys to the big E2.
Azul has placed a total firm order of 51 E195-E2s.
You can watch our big celebration event live tonight starting at 19:20 Brazil Standard Time. The airplane will be revealed to more than 400 guests in a spectacular show with dramatic sound, light and original music.
Join us for the party online at:

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