Energia Update live event on Dec 5th

Energia Update live event on Dec 5th

Last November in the ‘Sustainability in Action’ show we announced our Energia aircraft concepts in support of aviation’s goal of net zero carbon emissions. Since then, plenty has happened – designs and interiors have been progressed and new partnerships announced.

The show that has it all

In a special show, broadcast live on Embraer’s YouTube channel from Amsterdam and São José dos Campos, Embraer senior executives Arjan Meijer, Luís Carlos Affonso and Rodrigo Silva e Souza will be discussing these latest developments and the future of the Energia concepts.

We’ll also be sharing an in-depth 360 degree tour of the Energia aircraft we are currently focusing on and evaluating.

We do hope you can join us. Mark your calendar and tune in on:

December 5th at 10AM EST/12PM BRT/3PM GMT/4PM CET

Embraer Live Broadcast (YouTube)

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