New Suppliers for E2 In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity

New Suppliers for E2 In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity

KID-Systeme GmbH (Germany) and Meggitt Polymers & Composites (a division of Meggitt PLC U.K.) have joined the portfolio of suppliers for the E2’s IFE&C system (In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity).

Because airlines and lessors have different IFE&C needs, a one-size-fits-all product doesn’t satisfy all customers, especially those who prefer to choose systems that best suit their operating environments.

The portfolio includes wireless streaming entertainment to seat backs or personal devices, internet connectivity via air-to-ground and Ka and Ku bands, and real-time television (iPTV).


E2 Fleetsmart Inflight Entertainment & Connectivity (IFE&C)

There are also common smart and modular provisions that accommodate future equipment installation from different suppliers that give even greater choice to customers.

Meggitt’s high-performance installation kit facilitates internet connectivity. The radome’s tri-band capability allows each aircraft to be tailored to the customer’s preferred antenna manufacturer.

KID-Systeme is offering SKYfi Club, a wireless platform that streams entertainment to personal electronic devices.

Earlier this year, Embraer announced that Panasonic will also provide IFE&C solutions for the E-Jets E2.

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