E195-E2 Passes Water Spray Tests

E195-E2 Passes Water Spray Tests

As part of the certification campaign for the E195-E2, Embraer concluded water spray tests. The tests were conducted in July at the company’s Gavião Peixoto facility.

Certification requirements stipulate that an airplane’s engines and APU must not ingest hazardous quantities of water or slush during taxi, take-off and landing. There can be no resulting malfunction of any airspeed system.

The tests identified the effects of water spray on engines and other aircraft systems. The E2 passed through a soaked runaway with engines at different speeds.

E195-E2 water spray test

The E195-E2 passed all the tests. Water that sprayed around the nose and main landing gear did not degrade performance of the engines, APU, and systems probes that measure speed and altitude during take-off, rejected take-off and landing.

E195-E2 certification is expected in 2019.

Watch the test video clicking here.

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