Customer Training Never Stops, Even in a Pandemic

Customer Training Never Stops, Even in a Pandemic

During a pandemic, when customers are unable to meet face to face, how do you continue training their  maintenance personnel, engineers, and ground support teams as they prepare to the Entry-into-service (EIS) their new aircraft?

You go virtual.

We’ve modified our traditional training method so that students now meet our instructors on-line, in real time, and follow the regular course curriculum. They exchange information, ask questions, and take exams, just as if they were in a classroom setting.

We began talking with regulatory authorities to ensure they would recognize synchronous training for maintenance staff working with Embraer E-Jets.  Today, the new training format is certified by EASA (Europe). For customers not certified by the European Agency, an Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) training is available with the same quality standards.

Our first classes started last April.

There is a 28 tuition-hour, General Familiarization (Level 1) overview course for the E-Jet variants.  Students meet for 6 hours per session, but this can be adjusted if necessary.

We also have a 152 tuition-hour Line & Base (Level 3) course that covers aircraft Avionics, Airframe & Powerplant systems in greater depth.

These courses are tailored for engineers, maintenance supervisors, and mechanics.

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